How To Receive A File Files can be received in two ways. First method can be used when the user is expecting an incoming call. By pressing the RECEIVE button in the main window or selecting the Receive File menu item in the File menu, TeleContact would enter an auto-answering mode. After the file is received, the modem is reinitialized and TeleContact would return to the IDLE state. The second method of receiving files from a remote location is to setup TeleContact application to receive file unattended. To turn on the auto-answer mode permanently, user must use the Auto answer mode popup menu in the Communication Preferences dialog. For more details on the auto answer popup menu and usage refer to the description of the communication Preferences dialog. Once this option is selected, after any file transfer (sending or receiving) the TeleContact application enters the auto-answer mode. The popup menu in the communication preferences dialog can be used to turn this feature on or off in between file transfers The first time a file is received by TeleContact, a folder called Files Received is created in the same directory as the Focus TeleContact application. After the file transfer has been completed and session has closed, TeleContact would extract the file that was received and place it inside of a folder in the Files Received folder. To distinguish between files that are received, the exact date and time of file transfer is used to name the folder. For example, if a file is received on August 12, 1995 at 7:21:11 PM, the file is placed inside of a folder labeled "8/12/95 @ 7.21.11 PM" in the Files Received folder. This method of labeling allows the files to be kept in an orderly fashion and therefore preventing the file that are received to be scattered around different folders. To use these feature effectively, user can use the LOG feature in conjunction with these folder names to quickly locate a received file.